Create Flutter Project and run on vscode(Folder structure).
2 min readJan 22, 2021
- Install Plugin(ctr+shift+x)(Flutter,Dart and Material Icon Theme).
- Create Project:
flutter create flutter_blog
flutter run
Folder structure:
- Almost all the code we need to write inside the lib folder.
- By default Flutter doesn’t provide any file structure.
- only the main.dart file with one stateful widget is present to run the sample counter.
-android (Auto generated source code to create android application.)
-ios (Auto generated source code to create ios application.)
--main.dart (Almost all the code we need to write Hear)
--widget_test.dart (test dart code)
-gitignore (untracked files that Git should ignore.)
-metadata (auto generated by the flutter tools.)
-packages (track the flutter packages.)
-flutter_blog.yml (project file used by Android studio.)
-pubspec.lock (Auto generated by the Flutter package manager.)
-pubspec.yaml (Flutter package manager)
We need to create some folder so that the application will be scalable:
fonts( This folder should have all the font files)
html (HTML content which we need to add in our mobile app.)
images(the most important folder where we store all our images.)
api_endpoint.dart //(API endpoints)