Some important skills that will help you advance your frontend web development career.

Safaetul Ahasan
3 min readMay 10, 2023

Here are some important skills that will help you advance your front end web development career.
1. Scss: You may have designed with html and css. While designing with css, the same code needs to be written many times. Moreover, if there is any change in the same design, it needs to be changed in many places. scss is a simple solution to this problem. scss will make your css code more powerful and easy to write.
If you get used to scss, you can use many beautiful features including variables, functions, loops, mixins, and create great designs in no time. And if you know scss in the career field, you will definitely get a lot of value.
2. Tailwind_CSS: The days of thousands of lines of css files are over. Tailwind css will provide you with all the useful css classes. You just add their built-in simple classes to create great templates. And you can easily handle theming, dark mode, responsiveness with this light weight library.
3. Next_JS: You may have heard the name of Next JS as a framework. It is a very fast and SEO friendly framework built using React JS which will allow you to build both frontend and backend. And as a React developer, if you have Next JS skills, you will definitely be looked at differently.
4. Redux : Good and big companies that pay high salaries, their project structure is very complex. So they definitely want Redux skills. You can handle state very easily with Redux, although there are many other ways with the Context API. However, using redux in complex projects is the choice of all developers.
5. JEST : JEST is very popular for React JS code testing, this skill will definitely increase your value.
6. Atomic_design_pattern : Atomic design pattern is a very popular pattern / design structure for making React JS / Next JS complex projects reusable. In this structure the components are divided into 3 parts
atom: These components are very small, which you will use in other components. Like just text, buttons, icons, images, input fields, etc.
Molecule: Many atoms together make a molecule. For example, cards, forms, content divs, etc.
Organism: An organism is made up of many molecules. Basically it is a whole page.
7. Story book: If your project of react / next js has the involvement of many developers or if you want to create many reusable components, then it becomes very difficult to hand over or explain those components to other developers. Story book makes this work as easy as water.
If you use story book, you can create visual documentation while creating components at coding time. For example, suppose a button, which has 5 primary, secondary, danger, warning, default. There are variants. You can see these 5 variants live in the story book, along with the component usage documentation.
8. TypeScript: JavaScript is disliked by many developers because it is not type strict. That means you can store integers in a variable, or string if you want. In such cases, there are many bugs in complex projects.
To solve this problem, the popularity of TypeScript has increased. If want good salary job, definitely add it in skill list.
Apart from these skills, there are many more skills that you must gain if you want to become a highly paid employee or a freelance web developer.
If you think why you are not getting a good job or salary increment is not happening, add these skill sets and try them out, Insha-Allah your salary will increase a lot.

